Ellen B. Klyce, M.A. | Performance Psychology


Sensory Reflective Practice, (SRP), is a method to improve performance for athletes, performing artists, writers, artists and public speakers, almost anyone who performs in public.  Your brain establishes neural networks that may at times cause bad habits and poor performances. Research in neuroplasticity indicates change can occur in the brain to interrupt unwanted and ineffective patterns, but something new needs to happen. SRP is designed for this purpose. In SRP focused attention and direction are linked with the senses. It works with an established memory path, that is made stronger with a preferred sense, like your favorite smell or color. The senses can provide so much information, sometimes too much for a performer. Our method guides valuable sensory information, very specifically to your goals in a performance.


Coming soon:

Sneak peek of the first pages of the book "SRP Sensory Reflective Practice"

by E.B. Klyce


If you have any questions please contact Ellen.