Ellen B. Klyce, M.A. | Performance Psychology


Chances are you have given a performance in your life.  Whatever it was, I hope you enjoyed it.  I work with performers who are not completely satisfied with what happen in their last performance or want to improve or enjoy their performance  more next time.


I help clients who appear in public with the intention to perform, and train for appearances on a stage or in a competitive athletic event.  There are clients I serve who perform less frequently or formally, such as a presentation at a business meeting.  In social relationships, people perform all the time for one another.  This includes performances on the Internet.  Please check out my work on that topic.


Performance psychology is similar to what traditional therapy offers clients; positive regard, unconditional acceptance, confidentiality and help finding direction. The focus is a bit different though, it is less about relationships and more about improvement in a performance that can affect the quality of your life.


If you have any questions please contact Ellen.